Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meals @ home

Several days ago, I took part in the activity “meals @ home” organized by MOE. And I went to one family which let us have a big meal and watch an exciting movie. I feel the difference between Chinese and Singaporean. Different culture has different habits and foods. After that meal, we got an e-mail from our host. They gave us some riddles which are very interesting. Here I want to share with our tutors and group members.

Thinking Outside the Box - Riddles

1. There is a man who lives on the top floor of a very tall building.
Everyday he gets the elevator down to the ground floor to leave the
building to go to work. Upon returning from work though, he can only
travel half way up in the lift and has to walk the rest of the way
unless it's raining!

2. A man and his son are in a car accident. The father dies on the
scene, but the child is rushed to the hospital. When he arrives the
surgeon says, "I can't operate on this boy, he is my son!” How can
this be?

3. A man is wearing black: black shoes, socks, trousers, jumper,
gloves and balaclava. He is walking down a black street with all the
street lamps off.
A black car is coming towards him with its light off but somehow
manages to stop in time. How did the driver see the man?

4. Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?

5. A man walks into a restaurant and asks the waiter for a glass of
water. The waiter pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man
says 'Thank you' and walks out. Why?

Do you know the answers? I will give them to you at the end of the blog. Actually, our host is very helpful. And they told us many profound words; here I want to share one, which is “Life is a journey not a process”. It is simple but meaningful. These are very helpful and let me think a lot about life.

(P.S. Solutions:
1. The man is very, very short and can only reach halfway up the
elevator buttons. However, if it is raining then he will have his
umbrella with him and can press the higher buttons with it.
2. The surgeon was his mother.
3. It was day time.
4. A square manhole cover can be turned and dropped down the diagonal of the manhole. A round manhole cannot be dropped down the manhole. So, for safety and practicality, all manhole covers should be round.
5. The man had hiccups. The waiter recognized this from his speech and drew the gun in order to give him a shock. It worked and cured the
hiccups-so the man no longer needed the water.)

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