Thursday, March 12, 2009

Common Sense of Bodybuilding

What should man look like? As thin as monkey or as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger, it is easy to find out the answer. If you hanker after a body as powerful as the terminator, finish this article is your best choice.
The first thing you should know is that human’s muscle has been divided into four groups. Chest muscle group includes chest, biceps, fore arms, and fore deltoid; back muscle group includes the latissimus dorsi, back deltoid and triceps; legs group including quads, glutes, hams and calves and abs group.
Having known those muscle groups, you also need to know the reason why muscle grows. When someone reaches 18 years old, the number of muscle cells won’t grow up any more. So you must be curious about how muscle become bigger, that’s on account of the size----the size of each muscle cells. Every time your muscle is trained, it is destroyed, depending on the extent of your training, the extent of breakage varies. Only if you didn’t train your muscle overmuch, you muscle cell will recover and become bigger than ever in the next a few days. Therefore, don’t train the same piece of muscle in 48 hours or your muscle will be trained overmuch and become weaker and weaker. My suggestion is to train chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, legs on Wednesday, shoulders on Thursday and arms on Friday; also don’t forget to have a good rest on weekend. The strongest man in the world, twice Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler said that to gain a strong body is very simple----train right, eat smart, sleep 10 hours a day.
Of cause don’t forget nutrition which is the other key part in the path to be strong. Muscle is made up of protein; it means that you must get more protein to help your muscle recover. Every time after training, you need to take 40 gram of protein immediately, along with 60 gram to 100 gram of carbohydrate that is also important to provide energy for body.
Having known those common sense of bodybuilding, I hope you will start your training tomorrow.


  1. I appreciate this blog. No doubt you have such wide knowledge about bodybuilding, and we know you have a good body. i will reread it sometimes maybe taste something else. this Saturday our Eton Hall basketball team played with Raffles Hall, we lost it.but i think we played well relatively. but what i realised is they have so strong body that how about us, i intend to do it regularly. that's important.
    Singaporean are strong. so will us, i hope.
