So much for my recess week
What a pity. I believed I would write down this summary with pleasure when the recess week came, but things are not going like that. Everyone knows how they themselves expect it but also I think finally they themselves know how disappointed they are.
Initially, I consider the recess week a beautiful time to relax totally from head to feet also with free time to calm down and do something you really like. Actually, I didn’t expect that I could give entire loose to myself to play, eat, watch movies and do other things from the bottom of my heart. I just want to have a quiet week to summarize the life since getting here and relax my mind and then decide my major……
At the beginning of the week, I had a quiet birthday. I enjoyed it so much. Without birthday cake with candles, without song of happy birthday, I had such a clam and quiet birthday which I had expected so long. Let me just turn it over, I don’t wanna refer my birthday here. Then, three basketball matches on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, all won. Maybe that’s what made me relief a little. We came out to semifinal as the first team in our group with result of 3-0. Many friends said that we played well but in fact, I think we have lots of weakness, since the series matches hasn’t end yet so I can’t let it out. But also thank my great teammates, they are so good and I enjoy fighting with them, especially the “guard” in my team who can do well in the low area (haha). Good luck to us here. Moreover I had three buffet in three days. You can hardly believe how much we ate. Tuesday we went to
What the hell I have done this week? The truth is that I didn’t study English at all, not a bit. I didn’t relax as I expected, didn’t study as expect either. I wanna regulate myself to a good state, obviously I failed. In addition, the fucking major. QF or ISE…
I should emphasize here that my writing ability couldn’t afford my depress.
But, Maybe what I should put into my memory in this week is the smiling faces when we roommates in buffet, chatting and eating all the time. I like them, my friends.
So much for my recess week……
Tomorrow we will get on the school bus. Tomorrow is a new week. Tomorrow is a new start. Goodbye, my crazy recess week. That’s what I wanna say most and where I don’t wanna say any more.
Heh heh ....I have weeks like yours very often. Trying to work hard but being side tracked by fun, people and exciting things to do.... When I have to work hard I force myself to stay home with the computer and don't allow myself to leave home until I finish. Sometimes I am stuck at home for a whole month. Yikes! At least I finish some work ... set small goals so that you can reach them otherwise you may get really discouraged.