Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Shawshank Redemption

I have watched a movie named “The Shaw shank Redemption” last week. Of course it is not a new movie, but frankly speaking, I didn’t know anything about it apart from its name. What motivates me to write something about this movie is that I was totally moved and impressed a lot by the movie. The movie was haunting me for a long time. I can’t say that it is the best movie I have ever seen because every movie is special and has its outstanding aspects and there are different ways to judge or commend a movie. But I dare to say that it is an ace because it really did a good job in some aspects.
I think a very important reason why I love this movie so much is that unlike some movies or dramas I have seen before which gave me a feeling of fantasy or so called “a feeling of art” and a space for imagination through its surprising, impressive and vague convey way, this movie, “the Shaw shank redemption” has a clear idea and shows the audience clearly, too. Absolutely, this convey way is what I like.
Well, let me introduce the content of this movie through a simple way. It is a real story about a banker who was sentenced to death broke prison successfully. The judge thought that he had killed people, but actually, he did not. The content is very attracting. But what truly touched me is the main idea, the viewpoint of this movie.
I have to admit that this movie has struck a responsive chord in my heart. Maybe this is the most important reason why I love it. I have been wondering some questions such as “what is life”, “what a man lives for” for a long time. Fortunately, I gained some believes about life after my reflecting about life. But unfortunately, I can not convey my thought. But fortunately, this movie helped me. I really appreciate to this movie. If you want to know what the opinion is on earth, you should watch this movie because I can’t convey it. If you don not have time, ok, I share some lines of this movie with you:
Terrible thing, to live in fear.
Only one thing stops me, a promise I made to Andy
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.
Get busy living, or get busy dying, that is goddamn right.


  1. Yes, movies are like a life. They are lives in the screen and they reflect a lot about the world we lived. Moives are excellent productions of human being's culture. They teach us a lot and we always like watching them. Priates of the Caribbean is a good movie and I recommend it to you.

  2. Yup, one of my favourite movies.
